Hi folks,
See below for an update on our rehearsal schedule, a day trip for the Jazzers, Google Classroom assignments, and our first Band Social of the year:
Concert Band
As is typical of 4-day weeks, Concert Band will have a full band rehearsal Wednesday October 16th. Due to a day trip for the Jazz Ensemble, there will be no Concert Band rehearsal Friday morning. Our schedule at a glance:
Tu: Jazz Wed: Full Concert Th: Jazz Fr: No Rehearsal (Jazz students arrive at Crowe for usual rehearsal time to catch the bus to Nelson)
Day Trip for Jazzers
Students in the jazz band are expected to be at Crowe for the usual rehearsal time to prepare for our day trip to Selkirk College for a clinic being presented by the Berklee Boston School of Music faculty. Thank you to those who promptly shared previously committed scheduling conflicts, in your absence I will bring along other interested music students. Lunch plans will be communicated mid-week but it's looking like we should plan to pack our own grub.
Google Classroom & Assignments
The deadline for our first assignment has come and passed. Any students who have not submitted their work, including those of you who have neglected to join the Google Classroom, will be assigned a '0'. We have our Q1 Rep Test coming up quickly, ensure you take the time to submit a quality recording of the assigned materials.
For those of you still missing the Google Classroom code it can be found here: 3dyiwq5
Band Social
We will have our first band social Tuesday October 29th from 5pm-8pm in the music room. This will be a costume themed event and will run as a pot-luck. The night's activities will include age-appropriate card games and board games - if you have a board game you'd like to bring, check with Mr. V. Our Crowe Band Executive will get the pot-luck sign up list out shortly. As always, let's aim for balance with what we bring.
Stay tuned for an update re: band swag!
That's all for now!